
Les Cannelés de Papi:

According to Grandad a true cannelé has to be soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside.

We offer 2 sizes of cannelés :

The tall size, accompanied with vanilla ice cream, is the perfect dessert for a dinner or special event.   
£2.90 each; 
(minimum order 4. This is negotiable if ordered in conjunction with the smaller size cannelés.)

The small size is perfect as a cute and tasty bite with tea and coffee. Combine it with a small madeleine and a spoonful of vanilla ice cream and you will have what we call in France the perfect cafe or tea gourmand. Due to their size, the small cannelés are also perfect for events as sweet canapés.
£1.5 each;
(Minimum  order 5)

Ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar, butter, milk, rhum, vanilla beans and extract.


Our croquembouche cannele  tower is the perfect way to add a unique and exotic centrepiece to impress your guests. Loaded with our delicious cannele cakes, it is a great-looking and great-tasting way to share our treats with those you care about (or just those that you work with!)

Price Start at £250; contains about 80 cannelés.


La Brioche de Mamie:

Grandma always said that a good brioche is a brioche " bien beurrée"... meaning well buttered ! Indeed butter is key in our brioche and it is what makes the singular taste of this typical French cake.
Our brioche is of course good with jam and butter (in the true French tradition, there is never enough butter!) but they are also very good with ham and cheese, when savoury is desired. We remember our Granddad who use to eat brioche with ham, cheese and bechamel !

Our brioches come in individual portions.  Very cute and easy to eat, they are perfect for children's parties and events.
£2.50 each
(Minimums orders 4.)

Ingredients: flour, sugar, eggs, butter, fresh yeast

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Les Madeleines d'Amandine:

Madeleines have always been the little weakness of Amandine ever since she was a child. She likes them with jam for breakfast, as an afternoon snack with spreadable chocolate and dipped in some milk, or even just one on its own.  We remember that she used to sneak into the bakery to have one when nobody was looking!

The madeleine is indeed a kids' favourite!
No matter which size, it will make the perfect treat for a children's party.

We propose 2 sizes :
The tall madeleine is great for an afternoon treat.
The Plain Madeleines is subtlety flavored with lemon zest and vanilla bean.

The Filled Madeleines hides a delicious surprise on the centre: Fruit jam or Nutella.

£1.80 Plain or Filled
(Minimum order: 5. This is negotiable if ordered in conjunction with the smaller size madeleine.)

The small Madeleine (so very cute!) will work well combined with the small cannelés for luxurious events.
£6 for 10

 Ingredients: flour, sugar, eggs, butter, milk, lemon zest, vanilla - jam or Nutella for the filled option.

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Le Coeur Coco :

Whenever Paul was a bit upset, The Coeur Coco was always grandma's treat to cheer him up. A delicious coconut cake in a charming heart shape that hides an irresistible chocolate ganache at the centre. This is all you need to forget your troubles for a moment and smile getting to the chocolate...

Our Coeur Coco comes in individual portions. A sweet heart just for you or to share with the loved ones.
£2.90 each                                                            

Ingredients: Flour, eggs, butter, sugar, desiccated coconut , milk.       

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La Tarte au noix :

The Tarte aux Noix is our mothers' favourite, so much our grand-parents had to make sure they saved a couple before our family dinners. A handful of Walnuts on a sweet dough tart with an irresistible honey garnish.

It comes in individual portions and is ideal as desert after a lovely meal. £3.80 each

Ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar, butter, honey, walnut, cream.


La tartelette au chocolat

The chocolate tartelette is definitely for the choco- addict! it is made with the most refine chocolate Valrhona and has a layer of delicious raspberry jam and toasted almonds inside.

It comes in individual portions and is ideal as desert after a lovely meal.
£3.80 each

Ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar, butter, 70% dark chocolate, cream, milk.

La tarte au citron

The Lemon tartelette is definitely Everyone’s favourite! Properly Zesty and not oversweet with a layer of caramelised sugar on top, many would tell you: Once you have tried, you cannot go back!

It comes in individual portions. £3.80 each.

Minimum orders is 12 tartelettes, or contact us to see if there is any availibility for less.

Our big Lemon tart can feed easily 6 people and to bring you the sunshine to any family’s celebration. £30

Ingredients: flour, eggs sugar, butter, lemon


Tuiles aux amandes

The Almonds tuiles were our Great-Grandma favourite, Eliane, who also was the founder and at the origin of the family bakery. Even after she retired, and until her late 80’s, she used to come to the bakery with a plate of broken tuiles to pass it within the queuing customers for them to taste while they were waiting to be served. And of course she never could resist to have some by the same occasion; Quality control maybe haha!

The almonds tuiles go very well to nibble with tea and coffee. they are also just irresistible when paired with ice- cream: the softness of the ice- cream combined with the thin crunchiness of the tuile just bring you straight to heaven!

Comes in a batch of 3 for £3

Ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar, almonds- naturally dairy free


Contact us to order:

Jacques et Lilie Food Allergen Information:

The Walnut Tart contains walnuts.

The Chocolate Tart contains almonds toasted inside, and soya as part of the chocolate

The Coeur- coco contains desicated coconut and soya as part of the chocolate ganache.

The cannelés contains rhum.

The Almonds tuiles contains Almonds.

The Nutella filled madeleine contains hazelnuts as part of the Nutella

All cakes contains dairy, eggs and wheat.

While every care is taken when we prepare our homemade cakes, they may contain traces of nuts including peanuts and seeds including sesame seeds.